Saturday, August 21, 2010

Analysis of diet (cont'd)

The analysis of my diet based on the health tools provided declared that I needed more exercise and what I was eating was unhealthy. This may be true but not entirely true as some food items were unable to be keyed in due to unavailable resources on the website. Hence, the readings may not be accurate because most of the food I consumed was home-cooked food which include reduced salt, sugar and no msg:D However, I agree on the aspect of exercising more, personallyXD.

After looking through the analysis though, I've discovered that actually Lor mee is very unhealthy, so is pineapple rice. They contain high amounts of carbohydrate and the pineapple rice especially, contained high amounts of cholesterol, which might contribute to heart diseases in the future. But the good thing about my diet, is that the food is mostly home-cooked by DA COOKING MAMA, hence the assessment offered by the tools may not be accurate in this case as the amount of sugar, salt and other ingredients can be controlled if cooked at home. This include no addition of artifical flavouring or otherwise known as msg.

On a personal level of analysis, I think that what I am eating is rather healthy as I have a regular intake of brown rice everyday, which is a healthy grain. Also, I need meat moderately and lots of vegetables and fruits. However, the desserts can actually be improved by placing lesser sugar into the mixture. Snacks can also be reduced to cut down on unnecessary energy intake.

The point about exercise is something I agree with as well. Daily amounts of exercise are very important and although even 5 - 10 minutes of exercise may seem insignificant, they amount to a lot. Hence, the analysis of my diet is to an extent accurate but not totally as not all food items and receipes could be keyed in successfully.

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