Saturday, August 21, 2010

Reflection time!


Indeed, this 3-day diet has taught me a lot more about my eating habits and the contents of the food that I consume, alerting me of what I should eat and what I shouldn't. What an eye-opener!

What have you learnt about your eating habits?

I have learnt that I eat quite healthily but not all the time and that I have to be really careful about what I eat from day to day. I should cut down on snacks as much as possible to reduce the energy and fat intake, as well as choose healthier food options, such as reduced sugar, salt and msg food alternatives!

Do you consider your diet a healthy one? Why?

I do consider my diet quite a healthy one. I have a rather balanced diet, not too much of any category but more or less consume food from the different categories as shown in the healthy diet pyramid. For instance, I do consume a regular intake of fresh green vegetables and fruits but hehe i sometimes also consume a little too much meat products such as chicken and pork, etc. This might cause a rise in my cholesterol level, which is not a very healthy way of living. But I eat consistently at regular times, hence my diet is not exactly on a "diet" like those stick-thin models, which is good(:

Are the suggested nutritional tools useful? How?

The suggested nutritional tools are useful to give us a better idea of our food content, whether it is healthy or whether we have sufficient intake of nutrition. This helps us to be better able to control and regulate our dietary requirements to suit our needs. However, they are quite difficult to use such as keying in the names of some dishes and ingredients, thus producing results and analysis that might not be so accurate. Also, the long loading time and lack of a wider food database hampens the process.

Why is your suggested one-dish meal healthy?

My suggested one-dish meal is healthy because it is not only filling but also ensures that the diet is balanced and that all nutrition is absorbed. The wholemeal bread is multi-grain, which is a muchh better substitute than just plain bread as it is high in nutritious fibre. On the other hand, the warm milk provides a source of calcium to build strong bones while the freshly-blended fruit juice gives sufficient vitamins. The hard-boiled egg is also a healthier alternative to frying egg with bread as it is boiled and will contain less oil. Hence, my suggested dish is healthier and contains less calories, less cholesterol and provides a more healthy, balanced breakfast:D

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